Top 10 reasons to date a female engineer

오늘 큰 아들을 데리고 Hands-on Museum에 가서 신나게 놀았다.
놀이기구를 타는 것을 돕는 자원봉사자의 등에 다음과 같이 적혀 있었다.

Top 10 reasons to date a female engineer:

10. We know how to handle stress and strain in a relationship

9. We can help you with your math homework

8. We know how to use all the buttons on our graphing calculators

7. Free body diagrams

6. The world revolves around us…we choose the coordinate system

5. We know the right hand rule

4. We’re used to pulling all-nighters

3. No ‘couple’ could enjoy a better ‘moment’

2. We know it’s not the length of the vector that counts, but how you apply the force

1. We have significant figures

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